Play To Win

How easy is it to play?

Game Instructions
  • The Players split into 2 to 4 groups.
  • Each team choose a token and places it on the 3.2.1 GO box.
  • All the teams roll a die. The team with the highest number starts the game.
  • The teams must roll again if they tie with the highest number.
  • The teams must decide the order in which their players will play and maintain this order for the duration of the game.

3.2.1 GO

  • The team with the first turn rolls the die.
  • The starting player picks a card from the “OUT” side of the Card box. Each card has a blue and orange side. The side of the card that will be used is determined by the colour square that a team’s token is on at the start of their turn. If a team’s token is on the orange square, the terms on the orange side of the card must be described, and likewise for the blue side.
  • Each side of the card has a total of five terms, which may be described in random order.
  • Touch is a move
  • As the timer is turned, the player must say “3.2.1 GO”
  • Should the player not say “3.2.1 GO”, the other team get 60 seconds.
  • The teams that gets to the last box first, can mime the terms.
  • While a player describes the terms, members of the team shout out their guesses.
  • It is on the opposing team to keep an eye on the timer and call “TIME” when it runs out.
  • The number that was rolled at the start of the turn is deducted from the number of terms correctly identified, and the token is moved accordingly.
  • The card must be put back into the “IN” side of the Card Box.

The Winner

The first team to reach the WIN square win the game.

How Strict?

The identified team must be precise. For instance, ‘Serena Williams’ instead of the incomplete ‘Serena’ would be acceptable. The complete term must said before the timer run out.


When a player breaks any of the rules, the playing team’s turn ends instantly and their token is moved back on square one.

Rules for Three Players

If there are three players, one player must describe the terms for both teams throughout the game. Otherwise, the game rules remain the same.

How To Play Shesha321

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